Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Coco
Alcool de 30.0° & bouteille de 70.0cl

Delivery by package of 2 bottles or 1 Bag in Box.


  • €13.90 as part of a complete package of two bottles or a Bag in Box.

  • 21.90 for an incomplete package of 1 bottle.

An alliance between white rum from the Savanna distillery and the most typical local flavors, enhanced by the family know-how of the distillery, Arrangés CHATEL are a tribute to the Réunionese art of living.

The alliance between Chatel know-how and the creativity of Grégory GRIMOULT, creator of Calicoco confectionery, offers us a sweet and delicious arrangement ideal to accompany a dessert.

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Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration