Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Punch des iles
Punch des iles
Alcool de 17.0° & bouteille de 100.0cl

Delivery by package of 2 bottles or 1 Bag in Box.


  • €13.90 as part of a complete package of two bottles or a Bag in Box.

  • 21.90 for an incomplete package of 1 bottle.

The first recipes created by the company in 1907, guavalet and punch des Iles have survived the years and remain, even today, emblematic products of Reunion Island.

Over the years, the descendants of the creator Jean Chatel have been able to perpetuate the unique recipe of Punch des îles. The most famous of punches, faithful to local tradition, evokes the great richness of the Creole culture of Reunion Island.

See the ingredients