Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Bouteille de spiritueux Chatel gold
Alcool de 40.0° & bouteille de 70.0cl

Delivery by package of 2 bottles or 1 Bag in Box.


  • €13.90 as part of a complete package of two bottles or a Bag in Box.

  • 21.90 for an incomplete package of 1 bottle.

To support the development of mixology, Chatel has developed a range of spiced rums designed for budding bartenders!

A unique alliance between traditional white rum, matured rum, and great aroma rum from the Savanna distillery. Light and delicately woody, it reveals an incomparable sweetness on the palate.

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Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration