Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration Bouteille de spiritueux Chatel spiced
Alcool de 40.0° & bouteille de 70.0cl

Delivery by package of 2 bottles or 1 Bag in Box.


  • €13.90 as part of a complete package of two bottles or a Bag in Box.

  • 21.90 for an incomplete package of 1 bottle.

To support the development of mixology, Chatel has developed a range of spiced rums designed for budding bartenders!

A spicy, light and mellow rum that will be discreet while bringing a unique touch to your cocktails.
Very vanilla on the nose, it reveals notes of cinnamon and caramel on the palate.

See the ingredients

Discover the tasting

Fleurs de décoration Fleurs de décoration